Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hey Everyone

Hey I'm new to the "blogspot" world so let me introduce myself.

My name is Melodie Joy Wiebe. I live in a small village in Southern Ontario. I am 16 years old and the 4 oldest in a family of 8 children. My Dad Pastors a church on the shores of Lake Erie called "Lighthouse Gospel Church". I accepted Christ into my heart at the age of 5 and since then have grown closer to my Blessed Savior. My Goal in life is to Glorify God in all I do and In the future if the Lord wills Get Married and Set up a household that would be a haven of rest to all those who enter it. (but thats the future)

All right. This topic has been on my mind lately. So here are a few things that have come to my attention.
Here is a hand out I received at a conference I attended last year

Ten Messages We Give by the Clothes We Wear

1. Who Owns our Bodies
If we think that we own our bodies, we will also expect or demand the rights of ownership, including the right to wear what we choose. To this false assumption God states: "Ye are bought with a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body, and in you spirit, which are God's" (1 Corinthians

2. If We Esteem Our Royal Standing
As believers Jesus has made us to be "Kings and priests unto God and his Father" (Revelation 1:6) Jesus affirmed that kings wear royal apparel which set them apart from others around them. If we dress so that "we look like everyone else," we deny the standing given to us through the shed blood of Jesus.

3. If We Accept Our Ministry
Even though
Old Testament Temple worship has ended, the requirements for purity of life in the Temple continue. Paul affirmed this when he wrote, "If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are" (1 Corinthians 3:17)

4. How We Want Others to Treat Us
We have only one opportunity to make a first impression. "For man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7) Studies affirm that people quickly decide how they will treat us by the clothes we wear. In one study men who wore sports coats were brushed aside by others who were entering a store, but when those same men wore black suits people stepped aside for them. While we are not to gibe preferential treatment to others based on appearance, James affirms that people's natural tendency is to give more honor to those who have better clothing. (see James 2:1-4)

5. If We Understand the Cause of Lust
Lust begins with the eyes. The eyes are activated by what they see in style, tightness and amount of dress. Solomon warns young men about the "attire of a harlot" and not to lust after her in their hearts.
(see Proverbs 6:25) Jesus gave the same warning when He said, "Whosoever looketh on a woman (or man) to lust after her (or him) hath committed adultery with her (or him) already in his heart" (Matthew 5:28)

When a man or a woman dresses in sensually arousing clothing they stir up lust in others, which causes them to sin. "When lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death" (James
1:15). Sensual dress defrauds many others and brings God's discipline on the offender. Let "no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter, because that the Lord is the avenger of all such" (1 Thessalonians 4:6).

6. How We View Worldly Cultures
Our dress reflects what we think of the underlying philosophies of the secular world. Such philosophies are: attract attention with your body rather than a bright, wholesome countenance; be your own person by dressing the way you want and not the way your parents want you to dress; and conform to the world by looking like those who are into it rather than looking like on who has a Godly outlook on life.

God warns us to "love not the world..."(John
2:15). WE are not to let the world squeeze us into its mold, but we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind so that we can know the experience God's will for our lives. (see Romans 12:1-2). The ability to stand alone in the area of dress is the heritage of those who k now that they represent, as an ambassador, the Lord Jesus Christ.'

7. If We Understand Satan's Goals
Satan's program is to disfigure, distort, defile, and destroy our bodies. He has four motivations to do this: our body is created in the image of God, and Satan hates Jesus. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and Satan is warring against the Spirit of God. Finally, the members of our bodies become weapons of righteousness when they are yielded to God, and Satan knows that they can do damage to his kingdom. One of the most effective ways to resist Satan is to reject the ways in which he is destroyed the bodies of others by the symbols of sensuality, conformity and evil.

8. How We Honor Our Parents
If the clothes that we wear are causing contention with our parents or if we know that our authorities are not pleased with our dress or appearance, then we are violating the first commandment with promise. "Honor thy father and thy mother...that it may go well with thee"(Deuteronomy 5:16). This command is so important that Jesus reaffirmed in along with the death penalty for violating it (see Matthew 15:4), and Paul emphasized it
(see Ephesians 6:2-3). By dressing contrary to parent's wishes we are saying, "My friends are more important to me than my parents." Is this the message we want to give?

9. If We Are Soldiers for Christ
Soldiers have uniforms that tell their enemy that they have set aside their personal rights ambitions and are united in the goal of conquering even if it means laying down their lives! We are soldiers of Christ in a war with Satan who is relentless in his attacks against believers, marriages, families, churches and nations. We are the first line defense and we are commanded to "endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ" (2 Timothy 2:3). Can you imagine an army in which every soldier wore what he chose?

10. If we Recognize Classic Designs
Classic designs in clothing are always in style, whereas fads come and go. Jesus had a very limited wardrobe, but what He had was of good quality. This quality was such that the soldiers cast lots for His coat rather than dividing it among themselves.

A site I found was eye opening called rebelution

well blessings to ya all



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