Thursday, April 19, 2007

What the Lord showed me!

The other night I was out of sorts and on the brink of blowing my top but instead of blowing up I went up stairs and picked up my Bible and I opened up to my favorite Psalm, Psalm 91. and I read the first verse which says

"He who dwells in the secret place of the most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty"

I stopped there for a bit and asked the Lord where the secret place of the Most High is. well I kept on reading but I came back the the first verse and meditated on it for a bit and then asked the Lord again where the secret place of the most High is. Then in a still small voice I heard him say "The Secret place is right in the center of my will. When you are in the center of my will I will overshadow you and nothing can harm you" I was so amazed at the Lords goodness and with that it challenged me to be right in the center of Gods will, which for me right now is living from day to day! Lately I've been looking at what I want to do this summer and next year, and through this the Lord was telling me that I need to trust him with the future and for now just live today!

Isn't the Lord so good?

Living in His Presence,

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Well said.

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