Monday, October 29, 2007
"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know he holds my future,
And Life is worth the living just because He lives!!!"
Did you really read it? you probably read the first line or two and figured you knew it so you would skip it and get to the post right? well if that's the case really read it this time.
"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know he holds my future,
And Life is worth the living just because He lives!!!"
Is life worth the living if the only reason is that he lives?
Do you know who holds your future?
That's the part that got me. lately I've really been thinking about my future and worrying about it. but if I know who holds my future why should I worry? well this song really spoke to me about this while Edward Klassen was playing it.
My Jesus is so Great. So forgiving. Someone told me I sounded all knowing when I told her to keep on for Jesus that its all worth it in the end. and that the valleys always seemed longer than the mountain tops but it was all worth it and I knew what she was going through. But I felt everything but all knowing. I feel such uncertainty at times. But My Jesus is Good. and He is the one that is all knowing.
Thanks for baring with me on my rambling.
Remember He holds your future DON'T WORRY (that's a reminder for myself as much as it is for you)
Friday, October 26, 2007
I haven't updated on here for awhile so I figured it was about time.
My weeks are packed. I have something up every evening. But my afternoons are still free so thats really nice. We're still waiting our curriculum we had one "Wisdom book" left from last year so we finished that one but now we're really waiting for our next ones to come.
Wedding plans are coming right along (No not for me :rolls eyes: for my sister) But please pray because my sister gets over whelmed pretty easily. And as most of you know that a wedding is no small thing to plan. so yeah. We know what pattern we want for the brides maids and we already bought the pattern for her dress now we just have to buy the material for hers as well as our brides maids dresses.
I've been looking all over for a series of books called "The Journals of Corrie Belle Hollister" I can't find the entire set anywhere. Does any one know where I could get them for a reasonable price?
I'm am officially finished filling out my passport I just have to go into the office in London. No I'm not planning on going anywhere in the foreseeable future but its just easier to cross the border with one. Dad and Mom want to eventually get one for all the kids but we're doing it a few at a time just 'cause its so expensive. So this time round its just Karen and I.
Nothing else to really post about. Watch it. as soon as I'm off the computer I'll find a "million" things to post about. Oh well.
"Every morning remind yourself afresh of your
emptiness so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in you"
- Andrew Murray -
Monday, October 15, 2007
This past weekend was WOW!!! I had so much fun!
We had the Wissmann family here for a "Family Life Seminar" they were here Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday morning and evening. Sunday afternoon we had lunch with the Wissmanns and then the youth joined us and we played Volleyball and Soccer, which was a BLAST! and there were a few of us who played Dutch Blitz. We had such a blessed time it was encouraging as well as challenging.
On top of all that I had a busy weekend. Friday before the service we had rehearsal for a wedding my sisters Karen, Sherry and I were singing at. we made it to the evening service just as the Wissmanns were about to begin so that was a relief. On Saturday we sang at the wedding which was at 10am. then my friend Susie and I hung out at Sherry and JP's place until choir practice that evening right before the evening service. Then on Sunday I was at Church all day from about 9:20am 'till 11:45pm. I was zonked. when we got home we prayed then went to bed. Karen and I ended up talking till about 1am. I slept so soundly that I didn't even dream!
"...the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations."
Psalm 100:5
The theme verse for the weekend was Psalm 127:1a
"Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it..." It was an eye opening weekend a lot of the stuff he addressed was geared towards married couples and Parents. but you can still pick out what applies to you and save the rest until it applies to you. I'm grateful that I am exposed to teaching like this before that season arrives. so that when it does I am some what prepared.
Well Blessings to ya'll
I also have a xanga site. right here
"The life that counts is linked with God..."
Labels: Wissmanns