Sunday, November 25, 2007


These past 4 days have been a challenge. We had Francois Carr here from South Africa. He spoke on the Holy Spirit. It was challenging and uncomfortable. Just when you think you have reached a new level you find out that there is so much more and where you are is nothing compared to where you can be.

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Him living in you and beside you. Seeing everything you do, say, and even think. It has brought me to a new realization. I can't do some of the things I used to do. Not that they were bad in themselves but in the light of the Holy Spirit seeing everything you do and in the light of eternity they are nothing so why do them. I'm gonna have to pull out my notes yet and jot down some of the things he spoke about. You might get a lot of thinking and processing posts this week.


"When the sun starts to rise and I open my eyes, You are Good.
So Good.
In the heat of the day, with each stone that I lay, You are Good.
So Good.
With every breath I take in, I'll tell you I'm grateful again.
When the Moon climbs high before each kiss goodnight, You are Good.

"When the road starts to turn, around each bend I've learned,
You are Good. So Good.
And when somebodies hand holds me up helps me stand,
You are so Good.
With every breath I take in, I'll tell you I'm grateful again.
'Cause its more than enough just to know that I am loved and you are Good.

"So how can I thank you? What can I bring?
What can these poor hands lay at the feet of a King?
So I'll sing you a love song, its all that I have;
to tell you I'm grateful for
holding my life in your hands.

"When its dark and its cold, and I can't feel my soul.
You are So Good.
When the world has gone gray and the rains here to stay;
you are still good.
So with every breath I take in I'll tell you I'm grateful again.
And the storm may swell even then, it is well.
And you are Good.

"So how can I thank you? What can I bring?
What can these poor hands lay at the feet of a King?
So I'll sing you this new song, its all that I have;
to tell you I'm grateful for
holding my life in your hands.

That is one of my favorite songs right now

Blessings to you all as you seek Gods face


1 Comment:

  1. Margaret Braun said...
    I like that Melodie! Thanks for posting again. God Bless and have a great week! ;)

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