Friday, August 1, 2008

O Be Careful...

I'm sure you all are familiar with the children's song

"O Be Careful Little Eyes what you see.
O Be Careful Little Eyes what you see.
For the Father up above is looking down with Love
So Be Careful Little Eyes what you see." and on it goes with the Mouth, hands, feet, ears.

I found this true this afternoon while I was watching my cousin's little two year old girl. I would say something and she would repeat it. and when you are used to using some slang its hard to speak properly. Not only are people around us watching but our Lord is watching as well.

This little song as well as a quote came to me that I heard awhile ago... I forget where I heard it... I think it was at Bible Study JP was saying that "We are always teaching someone, something, somewhere" and I had to stop and ask myself what am I teaching not only the children I teach but other younger Christians? Do I stand by my standards no matter what? or do I relent when the fear of man enters in? I had to confess that the latter is true. The worse thing for a new Christian to see is compromise in the people around them. You know that is one of the #1 reasons unbelievers give when they are confronted with their need for God "There are to many hypocrites in the Church today"

"The only Bible some people may ever read is YOUR LIFE" That is an incredibly sobering thought. What are they reading? Will it draw them to or away from the Lord?
In 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 Paul tells us as believers that "Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men: Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart." WOW. I can see that I am really going to have to shape up so that when others around read me all they will see is Jesus. That sounds like a tall order but in another place Paul says "I can do all things (notice the ALL) through Christ which strengtheneth me."(Philippians 4:13)

"You have two different "walks". Your walk "walk" and your talk "walk" but your walk "walk" is louder than your talk "walk"."

I guess the quote thats on my header kinda goes along with this too...

"You write your own autobiography by
the choices you make and the things you do."
- Francis & Edith Schaeffer -

Thanks for listening to me ramble on!

May each of you be visited in a new way by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.



  1. Anonymous said...
    I'm not sure why you call that rambling. It's not bad and you make good points. Although it is clear to see that you are writing down thoughts and not a some kind of paper.

    One thing I've noticed is that many people in the church, I'd say 98% even in places that are considered above average, are so caught up in their own little world, there is no reality of the bigger picture, no reality of what actually counts in life, no reality in their Christian life! Hypocrisy is a direct result of myopia.
    Margaret Braun said...
    Or like the one we had on our church sign awhile back: "Your actions are shouting so loud, I can hardly hear what you're saying."

    Something I'm working on in my life as well. Thanks for sharing.
    Sharon said...
    It's encouraging that I'm not alone. And I'm grateful that the Lord has helped me care less what people think and focus on Him (His love for me, my love of Him, etc.)

    Thanks for sharing.
    Sharon said...
    I found you through Margaret Neufeld's blog. Thanks for coming by!

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